My travels is all about... My views, thoughts and experiences on/about/at/with random places of interest, persons, things, events, issues etc,. I am an eternal student with a restless mind and a tumultuous heart!

Monday, April 26, 2021

Tribute to an unknown spy

"..At the risk of violating a cardinal rule of intelligence, it might also be the opportune moment to pay a silent tribute to one of the most outstanding secret agents of recent times, whose name and pseudonym will, however, have to remain a secret, but whose exploits were no less than that of the most celebrated spy of World War II, Richard Sorge."
- An article in The Hindu dated 26 April, 2021 by MK Narayanan, former director of Intelligence Bureau, (inter alia) paying tribute to an as yet unknown, classified spy who worked for India during the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971. The poem is a tribute to the unknown spy.
Away from the glare of public, where false heroes rise and fall everyday,
bereft of the crazy romanticism that shatters focus in every way, 
what silent deeds committed by little men makes things work?
In the mundane shadows of daily life, what dangers lurk? 

Over the waters of Bay of Bengal, when the seventh fleet arrived with superb speed,
and Searchlight launched to destroy and bleed Bengal of the hoary past, 
Then, in those troubled times, a young nation rose with a unified voice, 
A game of skill and nerves of steel was played, nothing left to chance. 
O unknown spy, I bow to your service in troubled times, 
What scale could measure your worth, in an era of war crimes?
The greatest secret is better kept that way, the best hero is one unknown, 
and when the issues of nation matter, covers remained unlbown.
It is a grateful nation that offers tribute to you, 
It matters not what we speak, and what was due, 
It only mattered what you did there, however little and unsung, 
for those silent deeds of a spy made a difference and packed a sting.
Poem - "Tribute to an Unkown Spy" based on an article written by  MK Narayanan, former director of Intelligence Bureau, (inter alia) paying tribute to an as yet unknown, classified spy who worked for India during the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971. 

Maheeth Veluvali, 
Monday - 26th of April, 2021,.
16 Saladi Jamindar Street, Palakollu,.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

But, all alone I dreamed,

Way past midnight, I dreamed a dream that no one dared dream, 
as panic gave way for peace, there was no talk of the doom
for a hundred thousand oxygen tankers ran to the rescue of ailing ones,
But, all alone I dreamed, for dawn came damning millions  

Yesterday, I was a besotted hero, today I was barricaded by fate
A prisoner of my own thoughts, a pensioner of my testy past
The tonnes of fake news, disinformation failed to make me cry
But, all alone I dreamed, like a lake that's sunk, a river that's dry.

Way past midnight, when nightmares dominate, I dreamed a dream
Of a happy present, to live in the moment, a call for carpe diem.
behold, bliss beyond the scope of logic and filters of feelings...
But, all alone I dreamed, for I lost track of reality and it's trappings.

Pride of the pristine past? What good does it do to a raging heart?
Promise of a fabulous future? What comfort it gives to a restless mind? 
The tryst with destiny turned into a mirage of cruelty
But, all alone I dreamed, for that dream is a work of art, a true beauty!  

"But, all alone I dreamed," - Poem (English)
Maheeth Veluvali, 
Sunday - 25th of April, 2021
16 Saladi Jamindar Street, Palakollu,