My travels is all about... My views, thoughts and experiences on/about/at/with random places of interest, persons, things, events, issues etc,. I am an eternal student with a restless mind and a tumultuous heart!

Saturday, March 20, 2021

My Vaccine Experience

Covid Vaccination - The story so far...
The standard textbook definition of a vaccine is that it's a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. Vaccination as a strategic policy was responsible for the global elimination of Small-Pox and continues to play a key role in man's fight against various infectious diseases. In the present context of Covid pandemic, India has emerged as a Global Pharmacy with it's twin policies of Atmanirbhar Bharat and Vaccine Maitri. Two patented vaccines for covid are now in usage - Covishield (Astrazeneca + Oxford, Weakened vaccine) and Covaxin (Indigenous, Bharat Biotech Ltd, Inactivated vaccine). Almost all serological survey reports point to the importance of vaccination to acquire herd immunity against Covid.
CHC, Palakollu - First Dose
My Experience (Covishield)
I had my first dose of vaccine shot on 17th of February, 2021 at CHC of Palakollu. The process to register was smooth and effortless. I did not have any specific adverse reaction. I had fever (in three bouts) and body pains for the next day - like many others who took the vaccine. After a mandatory gap of 28 days, I had my second shot at PHC of Lankalakoderu on 19th of March, 2021. The second time, I felt nothing even remotely amiss or adverse. 
PHC, Lankalakoderu - Second Dose
Vaccine Hesitancy
After vaccination, one should stay for a period of almost 30 minutes under the observation of Nurses at a separately designated room in CHC/PHC so that any adverse events following immunization (AEFI) can be monitored. Vaccine hesitancy is a problem which is plaguing us right now. It is not advisable for People with chronic heart/brain diseases, too old people, those with a history of adverse vaccine reactions viz pencillin, pregnant and lactating women to take the vaccine, but for others there's not a valid reason to miss the opportunity at a time when Covid cases are on the rise again. However, I have no expertise to coax people to get vaccinated, the onus is on each one of us as well as the Health department to dispel any rumors. Right now, a window is open for senior citizens to get vaccinated.  In this regard, the novel steps taken by the Government of Andhra Pradesh must be appreciated - involving Ward & Village Secretariats in online registration, well planned approach of utilizing all PHCs, CHCs and medical staff etc,  
Maheeth Veluvali, 
Saturday - 20eth of March, 2021, 
16 Saladi Jamindar Street, Palakollu.

Monday, March 8, 2021

An ode to her

The Sun rises after she rose, and then begins a battle with questions and perceptions, 
If only ambitions and dreams can be neatly packed like those lunch boxes.
While the scriptures of yore ordained respect for women, 
there was a shrill echo all around - "Respect? there shall be none."  

With or without the support of the near and dear, 
inch by inch, spaces were carved and niches were made.
Somewhere, A Satyabhama slew Narakasur, a Joan of Arc shook the British,
Elsewhere, A Mother Theresa served the poor, a Sudha Murthy taught and wrote with flourish.
Yet some other place, she remains unknown, a synonym of sacrifice from start to finish. 
Ignorant of the dumb stereotypes laid by dumber people all around her; she multitasks as a silent witness.
What noble thoughts emerge from her selfless mind, what great deeds are made by her everyday -
The words of the greatest poets couldn't fathom the depths of such love and affection, in any way!


Poem - "An ode to her" - on the eve of International Women's Day 2021 -  Not surprisingly, the idea of an International Women's day has a global and leftist origin. At the dawn of the 20eth Century, it was the German delegates at a Socialist conference in USA who first proposed such an idea. Later, when USSR proclaimed and issued voting rights to women, the idea caught up as a concrete celebration. After the rise of the feminist movement in 1960s, in 1977, UN started celebrating March 8th as International Women's day. For the year 2021, the official theme of the event is 'Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 World.' The Governments of India and Andhra Pradesh took a slew of measures towards that lofty goal of Women Empowerment, still a distant dream, one that hinges on perception as well as ground reality. 

Maheeth Veluvali,
Monday, 8th of March, 2021, 
16 Saladi Jamindar Street, Palakollu.

Monday, March 1, 2021

From Salary, with Love, to Petrol!

(My heart skipped a beat when I looked at the reading of the Petrol Bunk -  1.03 Litre(s) for Rs.100/-! This was how 'salary' reacted poetically to the growth of his beloved, unreachable and unapproachable 'petrol')

In the times of Fire and Wheel, ours is a tryst set by the masses;
Me, a middle class dreamer and you, the fantastic fuel of all classes!
A darling made dearer by the Arab Crisis and unknown higher levies,
and so, each passing day takes you away from my reach. 
Why so serious? Why so aloof and why so ambitious? 
Even the stars of the sky bow before my master's aspirations.
If only you knew how much of me you've taken and torn apart;
if only you'd come down once lest we be forced to take the ancient cart.
To gain your favor and seek your blessings, treaties are made and wars are fought..
Alas, I could make none, for I am a mere pawn trapped and caught. 
You grow and glow like a heartless giant, but I have a larger heart.
Heed to me and fall, my dear, and you will see for yourself, a connoisseur's art! 

(From Salary, with Love, to Petrol!)
Poem/Allegory - English

Maheeth Veluvali, 
Monday, 1st of March, 2021,.
16 Saladi Jamindar Street, Palakollu.